02 April 2012

A new Testimonial sent to the Newcomers Community.

April 2nd 1012


I would just like to recommend Perizat Hamdy to anyone who needs some help – (either or both) mentally and physically. When I went to see Perizat at the end of last year I was feeling very down - suffering from depression, lack of confidence + self-esteem, having regular panic attacks. I was also suffering pains on my left side, in my foot, knee and lower back.

In the past I have seen various practitioners but never had Jin Shin Jyutsu. Perizat listened to me and helped me so much with Jin Shin, self-help, advice on books to read + a taster of EFT.

I found each session of Jin Shin to be revitalising, it helped sort out my aches and pains and gave me energy. Perizat boosted my self-worth; she told me I was a jewel - I would say she is a real treasure!

Knowing I wouldn't be in Greece for very long Perizat managed to accommodate me for appointments 2 or 3 times a week.

She also encouraged me to stop comparing myself with others, to carry on with Jin Shin in the UK and to try out EFT and meditation.

I now look forward to my future!

Best wishes to you all!

Sue Walton