15 October 2013

New Testimonial for Jin Shin Jyutsu


Alex Sid
A few months ago I was moving home, my wife was 8 months pregnant, work was piling up like never before and my stress level was at a whole new level. I was completely drained but had to push on. 

I met Perizat offered me a coupe of Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions to help regain my balance and energy. 

After the first session I went home in the afternoon and slept better than I had slept in weeks. 
After the second session, I couldn't remember how stressed I was before. 

The 2 sessions package had to continue as it was working so well and I wanted to prepare for the coming months when I was to experience fatherhood for the first time.
After the 5th session, we hugged and said farewell.

A couple of days later I was in my living room and had a very strange sensation. I couldn't work out what it was until I realized I could smell soap fragrance on my hands. My sense of smell has always been very weak to inexistent. Somehow JSJ had opened up my nose that seemed to have been 'blocked' since I was a kid. Since then I have been able to smell things that were just not there for me before i.e. orange juice 1 meter away, a flower, cinnamon sticks, natural body aroma and even the smell of pine trees in the air. Before that everything was just a flat 'smelling-field'.

Perizat is a pleasure to work with and a source of positiveness. Would recommend her to all my close friends and family when help is needed.
Thank you again for your help. 

Testimonial for EFT and Trauma related physical pain.


Testimonial about EFT and Physical Pain:
"I suffered a very bad broken ankle upon my arrival in Greece which required pins in order to heal correctly two years ago. There was unfortunately a lot of emotional strain linked to the accident and Perizat helped me get over the physical pain I had been experiencing for two full years in one session of EFT combined with a few sessions of Jin Shin Jyutsu! I really did not think that such pain could go away so quickly as I had almost just accepted that I would have the pain all my life! I highly recommend Perizat's EFT and Jhin Shin Jyutsu sessions (as well as her meditation sessions)! If you would like to discuss the sessions with me please ask Perizat for my email/phone number.

01 February 2013

You are Energy flowing beings...

This is a very useful and beneficial exercise suggested by Abraham.

"You are Energy flowing beings, and yes, we know you like the experience of the exposure to the physical stuff of this time/space reality. And so, just for the next 30 days, whenever you are in a moment of perceiving, let your dominant intent be to find the thought that feels best. Say to yourself, again and again, 'Today, no matter where I am, no matter where I am going, no matter who I am with, no matter what I am doing, - it is my dominant intent to look for that which I am wanting to see. To look for that which feels good. I'm wanting to find a reason to allow the Energy that creates worlds to flow through me, now. Right now. I'm allowing or disallowing, right now. All of my power is right now. What visions am I using that are allowing the Energy to flow? What visions don't let it flow? What memories are allowing it to flow? What memories are not letting it flow? What conversations, what topics don't let it flow for me, and what topics do let if flow for me? I have this power moment of selective sifting, where if I choose the thought that lets the Energy flow, then all things that I've told the Universe that I want- from my moment of stepping forth into this body - I am now allowing to flow. Oh, what a powerful and important moment this is!" ~ Abraham ( Esther Hicks)